Friday, June 12, 2009

Saturday night's show

deserves its own blog post. I've been planning on writing one for days now, but haven't managed to find the time between working and sending out press releases. Plus, we're waiting on some photos that we haven't even seen yet from two different people, so whatever.

Tonight's show. While I was at work on Tuesday afternoon, I sent a press release to the buyer of the Magic Stick and about an hour later, I had received a show offer from him. We confirmed it yesterday morning and played it tonight. We were told that we were playing at ten and ended up playing at twelve, after a band from California that left immediately after they played and apparently took the entire crowd with them. The stage setup was extremely awkward and so distant from the audience that people's faces were almost indiscernible. We were above bowling lanes while games were going on beneath us and pins were crashing a few feet behind our amps. We hear that we sounded pretty good, but from the monitors we sounded so terrible that we figured it was hardly worth it to even try to be entertaining. We played the songs faster just to get through the set quicker and about ten or twelve people stuck around until the end.

But we really appreciate the show offer, and being able to play in the coolest bar in town and hope to play there again soon. And it was nice to get a show like that out of the way so the next ones will be easier.

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